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Definition of now
(Entry 1 of 5)
1a : at the present time or moment Now is the time for action.
b : in the time immediately before the present thought of them just now
c : in the time immediately to follow : forthwith come in now
2 —used with the sense of present time weakened or lost to express command, request, or admonitionnow hear thisnow you be sure to write
3 —used with the sense of present time weakened or lost to introduce an important point or indicate a transition (as of ideas)now, this may seem reasonable at first
4 : sometimes now one and now another
5 : under the present circumstances Since my plan has failed, we must now try his.
6 : at the time referred to now the trouble began
7 : by this time has been teaching now for twenty years
conjunctionDefinition of now (Entry 2 of 5)
: in view of the fact that : since —often followed by thatnow that we are here
nounDefinition of now (Entry 3 of 5)
: the present time or moment been ill up to now
adjectiveDefinition of now (Entry 4 of 5)
1 : of or relating to the present time : existing the now president
2a : excitingly new now clothes
b : constantly aware of what is new now people the now generation
abbreviationDefinition of NOW (Entry 5 of 5)
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Time Traveler for now
The first known use of now was before the 12th century
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